The growing demand for sustainable energy is a call to action for any forward-thinking person. California became the first state to mandate that all new vehicles sold in the state be zero-emission by 2025, and there are more efforts throughout Europe and America. The development of electric cars has also accelerated, but there are other options for pollution-free transportation.

Several alternatives have been offered in recent years that aim to replace electricity and traditional fuel consumption. These include solar power and wind power installations, natural gas generation, hydrogen production, geothermal heat pumps with ground source heat pumps (GSHP), or water-based engines like hydro turbines or wave power generators.

While all of these technologies have their benefits and drawbacks, one option that has been adopted in some parts of the world is the electric vehicle (EV). These vehicles use electricity with battery power to provide the energy needed for propulsion, meaning there’s no need for future gasoline or diesel engine replacement. Because of this, there is a growing number of people who are looking into these options as a way to take control of their environment. These people have been referred to as “car-free” or “greener drivers.”

Only in the last decade or so have electric vehicles become accessible to the masses, but as battery technology improves and manufacturing processes become more streamlined, these models will become more affordable. It means that installing a new electric vehicle charging station (EV charging station) at home or work is no longer a pipe dream. It’s also more straightforward than you think.

Some commercial facilities like businesses and hotels have comprehensive charging stations for clients who need to go home or on vacation. However, many residential areas could also benefit from installing an EV charging station. The process of installing one is similar to installing any other home electrical equipment, although extra precautions must be taken because it involves a vehicle.  If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you with EV Installation, please reach out to us at 801-228-0907 for a free quote.



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